Name *
Age *
Email *
Street Address *
City, State and Zip code *
Best time to reach me *
Occupation (If none, type in "none") *
Have you worked with any other rescue organizations in the past? If so, name of organization(s): *
Veterinarian name and phone #: *
Is everyone in your home agreeable to fostering a Yorkshire Terrier? If not, who and why: *
Please check the term(s) that best describes your current living situation: * Select One Own Apartment Own House Rent Parents Mobile Home Other
If renting, landlord's name and phone #: *
Do you have a fenced-in backyard? * Select One Yes No
How many hours per day will the Yorkie be left alone? *
What will be the dog's living situation? (Examples-run of house, or a restricted area) *
Yorkies are house pets and we do not allow them to be kept outside. Are you in agreement with this? *
Have you ever fostered any animal before? If yes, what's the name of the agency and phone #:
Please specify if you prefer certain age range: *
Will you provide transportation of dog for veterinary, adoption, and etc. purposes? *
Are all other pets current of all vaccinations and are spayed/neutered? If no, please explain: *
Do you understand that often times the complete history and temperament of a rescue dog may not be known? * Select One Yes No I only want a dog whose history is known
Are you willing to work with us to correct any possible behavior problems? * Select One Yes No I want a dog that has no problems
Date this application was sent in: *