Ways To Help Our Yorkie Rescue
Whether you are interested in adopting one of our dogs or not, there are other ways in which you can help! If you would like to volunteer in any of the ways listed below, send an email to info@rockymountainyorkierescue.com telling us how YOU would like to help!
Be a foster home.
We are ALWAYS looking for good, stable and loving FOSTER homes that will open their heart to a dog that needs them. Without foster homes, many dogs lay in shelters on a cold cement floor feeling lonely and abandoned. In many cases, foster homes are also needed to help to rehabilitate a dog. If you think you have what it takes to foster, fill out our Foster Application or if you have questions about fostering, email us!
Volunteer to help transport.
We can always use help with transporting dogs, usually from a shelter to a foster home and sometimes from a foster home to a forever home. If this is something you can help with, please fill out the Foster Application to be considered.
Help stop the cruelty of all animals.
Report those who are hurt or neglect animals. The only voice these little ones have is yours! They will love you for forever for your love, and in return, you too shall receive the great gift of love.
Tell others about Rocky
Mountain Yorkie Rescue
Whether they want to surrender, adopt or donate, we are always here. We will make sure each and every pup goes to the right home with loving care.
Educate yourself and others about Yorkies.
Never purchase a puppy or any dog from puppy mills or backyard breeders. When you purchase a Yorkie from a puppy store or even a backyard breeder, please be careful, all of these dogs come from puppy mills. Please consider adopting a rescue Yorkie, they need your help, love and attention.
Send a donation.
We are a non-profit organization which operates on DONATIONS only. Every penny goes to help save the dogs. You can make a donation with your credit card by clicking on the PayPal button on this page. All donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Something else? Do you think you can help in another way?
Please email us at info@rockymountainyorkierescue.com to let us know. We are always looking for dedicated people to help RMYR!